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Architectural Design
& Interiors
Kaloidis Museum
Mystras, Laconia Sparta, Greece
The private collection of Mr. & Mrs. Kaloidis. Paintings, sculpture, furniture and “objects ’d art” are to be housed in this gift to the people of Greece. In proximity to the sacred Byzantine site of Mistras, the facades, both in vertical hierarchy and in the use of materials, speak the language of their revered neighbor. Innovative use of such materials as hand wrought copper, onyx ’jewel-like’ punched windows and three meter high solid wood bi-folding entrance doors add beauty and drama through new textures, use of scale and richly patins. The plan has a nine part plan and central glass circulation core, around which the collection revolves & reaches back to the fortress archetype and applied here to the museums insular and independent siting and need for a closed and circular plan. The ground floor houses the galleries. The third floor contains the special collections exhibit hall, restoration department, offices, security center, meeting rooms and a visiting scholars wing. A sunken rear garden and café accessible from the basement’s amphitheater provide a place of refreshment. A small family chapel, set apart in the landscape, completes the general scope of the museum. Approx. 40,000 s/f
Well, Crematorium, Ossuaries, Temple & Axis Mundi - Conceptual Thesis
Water, Fire, Earth, Air & Ether
The five elements are the basis of life.and of death in this dialectical thesis on the architecture of death.
Water the source of life - The Well takes you to the source for reflection and contemplation.
Fire the end of physical life - The Crematorium acknowlegdes this reality.
Earth the material source - The Ossuaries symbolize the five stages of life.
Air the breath of life and spiritual world - The Temple to the Moon: the night as father of our inner life and spiritual awakening.
Ether the beyond - The Axis Mundi: that which binds us all to eternity.
Spartina Restaurant
Columbus Circle, NYC
Facade studies for new restaurant.
Thesis Work
Spartina Restauran
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